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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

❓Top 5 OT Evaluation Questions Answered 🤨

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Today, I’ll be sharing some of the most frequently asked questions I receive from parents and guardians before their child’s first OT evaluation. Understanding your child's unique strengths and challenges is crucial for their growth and development, and OT evaluations provide valuable insights.

These evaluations help identify how your child processes sensory information, their motor skills, and any underlying performance differences impacting their daily activities.

Common Questions About OT Evaluations

Q: What is involved in an occupational therapy evaluation for my child?

An OT evaluation involves assessments and observations to evaluate your child's skills based on your concerns. Areas assessed include sensory processing, motor skills, and any underlying performance differences impacting daily activities. This is achieved through standardized assessments, clinical observations, and discussions with both you and your child.

Q: How long does an evaluation usually take?

The duration varies based on your child's needs and the specific assessments conducted. Generally, evaluations range from one to two hours, spread over 2-3 appointments. Each case is unique, and the timeframe will be discussed beforehand.

Q: What happens after the evaluation?

After the evaluation, I analyze your child's responses and formulate recommendations based on their strengths and areas of need. You will receive a comprehensive report detailing the findings, explanations, and recommendations for therapy (if applicable).

Q: Will my child need ongoing therapy after the evaluation?

The need for ongoing therapy depends on the evaluation results and your child's specific needs. We will discuss the recommendations and collaborate to determine the best course of action, which may include regular therapy sessions, periodic re-evaluations, or home-based activities.

Q: What if I disagree with the findings of the evaluation?

It's valid to have concerns or disagree with the findings. I am always open to discussing any concerns you have regarding my report. Collaboration with family members is crucial to create a plan that works for everyone.

Empowering Parents and Children

One of my fundamental beliefs is that children should naturally feel motivated to engage in activities and live confidently. This philosophy is why I founded Koi Wellness, running my practice with a child-centered, family-focused approach to tailor each therapy plan to the unique needs of every child and family served.

It's equally important that parents and families feel confident working with me, knowing they are supported and actively involved in their child's therapy journey. If you missed it, I recently shared more about my journey and approach in an hour-long episode on the Lance E. Lee Podcast in Tokyo. You can listen to it here.

Stay Tuned...

...for the next installment of this series in the coming weeks, where we'll continue to answer your top questions and provide valuable insights into your child's OT journey. Be sure to visit our website for more resources, articles, and updates, and don't forget to connect with me on LinkedIn, ​Instagram​, and ​Facebook for even more insights and inspiration.

If you found this information helpful, share the newsletter with those who might benefit from our resources and tips. Share this link here, to help us grow our community and support other parents and caregivers!


Aya Porté

Occupational Therapist & Founder, Koi Wellness

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

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