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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

The Parent’s Guide to Decoding Sensory Processing

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Are you ready to unravel the mysteries behind your child's behaviors and uncover the secrets of sensory processing? Join me as we explore the often misunderstood world of sensory challenges and discover how understanding can transform your parenting experience.

Navigating the Sensory Maze: Where to Start

In our latest blog post, "Decoding Sensory Processing: A Parent's Guide," I break down the fundamentals of sensory processing and explore common signs your child might be experiencing sensory challenges. From hypersensitivity to sensory-motor challenges, we'll explore it all and equip you with the tools you need to navigate this sensory maze with confidence.

I receive so many emails where parents describe to me “my kid is terribly behaved at [school, place of worship, public settings, parties, etc.] and we are struggling as a family.” Proceeded with a lengthy list of “the problems,” including:

  • They won’t stop touching everything.
  • They scream at others to be quiet.
  • They manipulate the situation to get their own way.
  • No matter what I tell them, they seem to bump into myself or others while walking.

A Common Thread

A common thread to all these “bad behaviors” is what is happening to the child before or after the behavior. I believe the source of these issues are often related to sensory processing challenges. In this case, the child’s behavior is the result of them trying to manage the distress they experience or will anticipate, resulting in the observed “bad behavior”.

Decoding your child’s sensory processing will help you better understand their needs and how they communicate with the world. Remember that building a strong support team for your child is key. Whether it's reaching out to a pediatrician or connecting with an occupational therapist, surrounding yourself with knowledgeable and compassionate professionals can make all the difference in your child's journey toward growth and success.

The 8 Senses: A Brief Overview

Decoding sensory processing goes beyond knowing the eight senses, but visualizing information can be a great start. If you find this helpful, and would like to see more visuals I've created, you can see more on the blog. These handy resources will help you identify potential sensory challenges in your child and take proactive steps toward addressing them.

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Be sure to visit our website for more resources, articles, and updates, and don't forget to connect with me on LinkedIn for even more insights and inspiration.

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Aya Porté

Occupational Therapist & Founder, Koi Wellness

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

Join empowered parents and caretakers of children and teens, confidently practicing my proven strategies for ease and enjoyment at home, school, and beyond. The Koi Wellness newsletter provides tools to achieve confidence and self-reliance for your children, so they can finally feel the relief that comes from being understood.

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