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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

🪧Signs, Impact, and Next Steps 🪜: Primitive Reflexes

Hello Reader!

I hope you’re doing well! In our last newsletter, we explored the basics of primitive reflexes and why their integration is so crucial for your child’s development.

For example, when someone is trying to get your attention and they gently tap you on the shoulder. If you were not expecting to be touched, this touch may naturally startle you. Or maybe, you’re in the library reading a book and someone drops a book and it makes a loud noise. You may be startled by this unexpected sound.

Today, we’re taking a closer look at what happens when these reflexes don’t integrate as expected—and how you can spot the signs in your child.


What Happens When Reflexes Don’t Integrate?

Primitive reflexes are natural, automatic responses that help babies survive and adapt in their early months of life. As part of my evaluation process, no matter the age of the child (even adults) I take a look at primitive reflexes. When these reflexes stick around longer than they should, it could mean that the nervous system hasn’t matured fully, which can lead to challenges in your child’s everyday life.

Signs Your Child Might Have Retained Reflexes

Wondering if your child’s behaviors could be linked to retained reflexes? Here are a few signs to watch for:


Clumsiness or Coordination Difficulties: Frequent tripping or struggling with balance and fine motor skills.

Emotional Dysregulation: Frequent meltdowns or overreactions to minor events.

Difficulty Focusing: Trouble concentrating, especially in busy environments like classrooms.

Sensory Processing Issues: Over-sensitivity to loud noises or bright lights, or craving intense sensory experiences.


Understanding the Impact

Retained reflexes can affect more than just physical coordination. They are also involved in vital functions like breathing and heart rate, and they help protect us in dangerous situations by triggering automatic responses.

If you think your child might have retained reflexes, here’s what you can do:

Observe and Take Notes: Note any signs of retained reflexes. This will be helpful when consulting with a professional.

Reach Out for Support: Consult with a pediatrician or occupational therapist who specializes in reflex integration for an assessment.

Start Early: Early targeted exercises and therapies can help integrate these reflexes and improve your child’s overall development.

Use Helpful Tools: I’ve put together a Primitive Reflex Screening Checklist to help you observe and document your child’s reflexes at home. You can access it here.

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

Understanding how primitive reflexes impact development is key to supporting your child’s growth, and I’m here to help guide you every step of the way. Be sure to check out the full blog post to learn more about recognizing and addressing retained reflexes.

If you found this newsletter helpful, please share it with other parents or caregivers who might benefit from this information. Together, we can build a supportive community and make a positive impact on the lives of our children.

Don’t forget to visit our website for more resources, and be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn, ​Instagram​, and ​Facebook for ongoing tips, updates, and inspiration. If you’d like to explore how I can support you and your child further, feel free to schedule a call with me.



Aya Porté

Occupational Therapist & Founder, Koi Wellness

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

Join empowered parents and caretakers of children and teens, confidently practicing my proven strategies for ease and enjoyment at home, school, and beyond. The Koi Wellness newsletter provides tools to achieve confidence and self-reliance for your children, so they can finally feel the relief that comes from being understood.

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