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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

🔑 Ready to Unlock Your Child’s Potential? Primitive Reflexes

Hello Reader!

Have you ever wondered what's behind those small, automatic movements your baby makes? From their first startled reaction to their tiny fingers gripping your hand—these are more than just adorable moments. They’re part of a complex process that plays a crucial role in your child's early development.

In our latest blog post, "Why Primitive Reflexes Matter for Your Child’s Growth," we explore the fascinating world of primitive reflexes—those automatic responses that start developing even before your baby is born. These reflexes are essential for a newborn's survival and growth, but as your child matures, these reflexes should naturally fade to make way for more advanced skills like crawling, walking, and grasping objects.

Why Should You Care About Reflex Integration?

The process of reflex integration is vital for your child's nervous system and brain development. If these reflexes don't fade as they should, it can lead to challenges that may affect your child's ability to focus, regulate emotions, and even perform everyday tasks. For example, children with retained reflexes might struggle with coordination, fine motor skills, or managing their emotions in school.

​In this post, we explore key signs that your child’s reflexes may not be integrating properly and how this can impact their sensory processing. Understanding these connections can be the missing link you need to help you better support your child’s development.


Is Your Child Showing These Signs?

Some children may have retained reflexes that manifest in subtle ways, such as clumsiness, difficulty with fine motor tasks, or trouble focusing in class. These signs can often be misunderstood as "bad behavior," but they might actually be your child’s way of communicating that something deeper is going on.

​Here, we break down how each reflex is linked to specific senses—like balance, touch, hearing, and vision—and why proper integration is so important for smoother growth and development.


Spread the Word and Support Our Community

Understanding the role of primitive reflexes can empower you to better support your child’s journey through these early developmental stages. I invite you to read the full blog post and share it with other parents or caregivers who might benefit from this information.

If you’d like to learn more about primitive reflexes, send me an email, I have more insights to share so we can continue to learn and grow together as a community. If you found this newsletter helpful, please forward it to someone you know who could benefit from these insights. Your support helps us positively impact more children and families.

Don’t forget to visit our website for more resources, and be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn, ​Instagram​, and ​Facebook for ongoing tips, updates, and inspiration. If you’d like to explore how I can support you and your child further, feel free to schedule a call with me.



Aya Porté

Occupational Therapist & Founder, Koi Wellness

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

Join empowered parents and caretakers of children and teens, confidently practicing my proven strategies for ease and enjoyment at home, school, and beyond. The Koi Wellness newsletter provides tools to achieve confidence and self-reliance for your children, so they can finally feel the relief that comes from being understood.

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