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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

How Do You Approach Nos with Your Child?

Hey Reader!

I hope you're doing well and ready for another dose of insight. Today, I’ll share some highlights from our newest blog post, Understanding & Empowering Therapy: Child-Led Approaches, which features our bonus resource: Conventional Approaches to a Child’s ‘No’s’ and Aya’s Child-Led Approach.

What Is a Child-Led Approach?

It's about letting children express themselves, showcasing their abilities, and revealing their interests. By tapping into these insights, I tailor interventions that address crucial life skills while addressing your concerns.

Contrary to common misconceptions, this approach isn't about giving children free rein. In the full article, we cover how child-led approaches empower children to take charge of their therapy sessions in meaningful ways. (Do you incorporate this approach at home as well?)

Where Did This Approach Come From?

My decade-long journey as an OT led me to embrace this philosophy through experiences with resistant children. With approaches like DIR/Floortime and collaborative problem-solving, I've refined my practice to prioritize the child's best interests.

Understanding "No" with Low-Hanging Fruit

Have you ever heard of the "low-hanging fruit 'no'"? It's my approach to allowing children to say "no" during low-stakes situations. I'll dive deeper into this in the blog and how it can be used outside therapy–without being steamrolled by your child.

The Child-Led Approach: Therapy & Beyond

A child-led approach nurtures confidence, self-esteem, and intrinsic motivation, beyond a therapy session. Stay tuned for practical strategies to implement at home, and share this newsletter with others who would benefit from our resources.

Visit our website for more resources, articles, and updates, and don't forget to connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook for even more insights and inspiration.

Thank you for being a part of our growing Koi Wellness family.


Aya Porté

Occupational Therapist & Founder, Koi Wellness

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Koi Wellness with Aya Porté

Join empowered parents and caretakers of children and teens, confidently practicing my proven strategies for ease and enjoyment at home, school, and beyond. The Koi Wellness newsletter provides tools to achieve confidence and self-reliance for your children, so they can finally feel the relief that comes from being understood.

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